Book Boredom
While waiting for the books I'm dying to read to come out, I'm stuck in a state of book boredom. Waiting for the next book in the series leaves you with a few options: 1 read previous books you've liked, 2 read a bunch of crappy books, or 3 just wait and read nothing. To be honest all three options suck but there's nothing you can do to change it.
A good author creates characters a reader can relate to, as long as there is one good quality a character has a reader can justify the character is actually good. Writers are good at creating mood and evoking feelings from their readers. I don't know if it's just me but when I read a book I get lost in that world. I think that's why I love book series and trilogies and I hate short stories because I get emotionally evolved and I don't want the story to end. And that's the really cool thing about books, they can take you anywhere. You can go anywhere in the world and learn anything you want.
Sometimes I think its weird how I can get so emotionally invested into a book. Weeks or months later I can think of a book and the many feelings I felt while reading the book come back in full force. And while I'm reading if I truly connect with a character I feel everything they feel, embarrassed, happy, devastated, excited, betrayed I feel like I'm going through life with them. Maybe I'm the only one that reads book like this and I'm just weird.