Pretty Big Fail
Pretty Little Liars - Game Over Charles
After 5 and a half seasons we have finally come face to face with A and it was a twist no one saw coming. A is Charles DiLarentis who is CeCe. Congrats to the writers, producers and cast for going in that direction. But even with all the answers that were revealed there were too many plot holes, unanswered questions and just ridiculous story lines for it to be a good reveal. Let's go over all the problems shall we?
1. Mona killed Bethany and CeCe "killed" Ali...
In the finale it was revealed Ali was knocked unconscious because CeCe believed she was Bethany. Mrs. Di saw the whole exchange and buried Ali alive because she thought Ali was dead. Then Mona admits she killed Bethany that night because she thought she was Ali and she was tired of being bullied by Ali. Seriously?!? What are the chances Ali and Bethany would be murdered in the same night but they were both mistaken for the other? That's just stupid. And why was Bethany wearing Ali's clothes anyway?
2. Carla Grunwald saves the day...
When Ali is revealed to be alive and she explains everything to the girls she explains that Carla Grunwald saved her life by digging her up after Mrs. Di buried her alive. But how did Mrs. Grunwald know any of this was going on?
3. What happened to the moms anyway?
So the liars are uninvited to their prom and graduation but most importantly prom so their moms being concerned for their daughter's safety set up their own private prom where the moms could supervised. Being the concerned parents they are because their daughters have been being terrorized they get drunk, leave the house and then get trapped in the basement next door. Also they don't notice their daughters actually went to the prom they were protecting them from. Obviously Rhys locked them in the basement he was the only one in the house with them and Jason and Mr. Di were unconscious across town but what happened to them? Are they still down there five years later?
4. Seriously Wilden knew everything the whole time?!?
If Wilden knew everything why was he still around? Why didn't he just pocket the money and then split why did he have to continue stalking the girls trying to convince everyone they killed Ali when he knew she was alive. I mean he did end up dying at the hands of A but that's really his own fault because he stuck around. Also did he really get Ali pregnant?!?
5. How did no one notice?
According to the finale Mr. DiLarentis though Charles was dead. So how did Mrs. DiLarentis justify the monthly? yearly? Radley payments or the large sums of money that went missing when she paid people off to keep CeCe a secret? I'm guessing that wasn't a cheap secret to pay off.
6. Sara Blake how did she get involved?
How exactly did Sara Blake and CeCe know each other? And why did CeCe think she could trust Sara? Weren't Sara and Bethany friends and didn't CeCe hate Bethany? Sara claimed she ran away from home was kidnapped by Charles and trapped underground only to be found when the liars were recovered. Where was Sara hanging out all that time? Was she living with CeCe that can't be because CeCe was in and out of Radley, she went to the Cap with the DiLarentis's what was Sara doing?? House sitting for CeCe while she was away?
7. Who killed Mrs. DiLarentis?
CeCe found her dead, and earlier Spencer admitted to thinking her father killed Mrs. Di but that was never confirmed were we just to assume it was Mr. Hastings?
8. Who killed Garrett?
Garrett promised Spencer all the answers then died in the same episode poor Aria was traumatized in the processes. So did CeCe kill him too?
9. Where does Leslie Stone fit in?
Leslie shows up to defend Mona when Ali is on trial for murdering Mona but that's really all she does. Was she even necessary to the story?
10. Twins or not twins?

Throughout season 6 the liars are trying to figure out what happened to Jason's long lost twin Charles. The liars know Charles is A but we haven't come face to face with him/her. Charles turns out to be CeCe Drake. Okay fine that's all good but everyone is missing a key point to the story. Does anyone remember when we found out Jason was Spencer and Melissa's half-brother? Which means he's also Ali's half-brother was well. Mrs. Di had an affair with Mr. Hastings and the result was a nice little bun in the oven. Why is this important you ask let's do some genetic math. If Jason and Charles/CeCe are twins and Jason is Spencer, Melissa and Ali's half-brother that me Charles/CeCe is too Spencer, Melissa, and Ali's half-brother/sister. Why is that not discussed? Why is CeCe obsessed with her sister Ali but not with her sister Spencer? And seriously Spencer is so smart why hasn't she put all of this together?? This is one of the most important story line and they didn't even talk about it!
The Liars have been in high school for way too long, this five year time jump couldn't have been a better idea. But we still need answers, let's hope we get some answers this winter. Maybe they'll even tell us what happened to CeCe. We can only hope.
Fifty Shades of Shame
There are no words to explain how disappointed I am. My expectations were already low because every true romance novel, book lover knows the film is never comparable to the book. But this movie could possibly be the worst book adaptation ever. I mean EVER people!! The sad part is I really liked Fifty Shades of Grey, Christian and Ana's love story was twisted and unorthodox but it was love not just kinky sex. The first book shows Christian's rough side and his way of coping (hello SEX) but it sets up the next two books whereas the film focused on sex. Focus Features you wasted a whole lot of potential not to mention $40 million. Let's get it all out into the open.
Chemical Imbalance
First of all where was the heat? The chemistry between Dakota and Jamie was like waiting for a pot full of water to boil without turning the stove on. Book Ana and Christian couldn't stay away from one another, film Ana and Christian not so much. It was awkward, so very awkward.
Plain Jane
Ana describes herself as a pale, brown-haired women with blue eyes too big for her face. She is described by Christian as beautiful, and alluring. Dakota's portrayal was slim, pal, scruffy and awkward. Anyone sensing a theme here? Dakota's a pretty girl why couldn't they have worked with that? Yes Ana should have been plain but she should have been naturally pretty and there was none of that.
Not everything can be added in the adaptation I get that but there were a few key moments that were definitely missed. Ethan for one. How will Mia ever find love? How will Christian realize he's extremely possessive over Ana at graduation? Also Ana's break down in her room after the first spanking, when Kate yells at him and Christian realizes he cares for Ana more than just his sub. That's a key moment in the story he's breaking his own rules! What about all the times Ana and Christian sleep together in his bed, Ana only spent one night in the sub bedroom but it was in a whole other context. It also happened to be in a whole other book, Fifty Shades of Freed. Maybe the most important detail for the second and third book plot was over looked as well. Ana doesn't start her new job at SIP which means she doesn't meet Jack Hyde, who is the main antagonist in the next two books. How's that going to work out?
Complex Christian
The biggest flaw by far is Christian's lack of character. At least Robert Patterson knew Edward wasn't just a sparkly immortal vampire. Christian is a haunted man who keeps his distance for fear of being hurt like he was once before. He lives his life the only way he knows will cover his pain, controlling his surroundings. Until he meets Ana. Throughout the first book Christian's hard exterior softens as he spends time with Ana, he starts to question everything he knows until he comes to terms with his feelings and love when Ana eventually leaves him. Jamie looked board, confused and maybe a wee bit angry, but that's about it.
Wait one more thing! What's his name I can't remember? Who was Ana in love with again because I never caught his name, I don't think Ana said it enough times. Seriously Kelly Marcel?
We should make a drinking game out of it!! It would sure make the experience a whole lot more enjoyable.
To all my Fifty Shades fans, I'm beyond sorry.
Winter Break is good for two things relaxing but more importantly catching up on TV shows you've abandoned while putting your crucial and very expensive college education first. Which by the way is honorable and totally depressing when you hear people talking about up to date episodes, and all you're thinking is "LA! LA! LA! I can't hear you!" The hardest part is where to start, first on my list is ABC's Revenge.
If I'm honest I was so sick of this show relatively early in the third season. I was thinking it should have been over in three seasons, I was sick of the back and forth between Emily/Amanda and Daniel, the war between Emily/Amanda and Victoria was getting old and more than anything else I just wanted Emily to embrace being Amanda Clark and run with Nolan, Jack, and Aiden and leave her past behind. Plus I was beginning to hate everyone. But after my sisters insistence I am currently catching up on all the episodes I missed. I'm currently on episode 5.

The fourth season has brought forth some interesting turn of events. David Clark is alive but I'm not sure he's mentally stable, does he seriously believe Victoria's bullshit? I've never particularly liked Charlotte but she has just gotten more and more annoying with every season. Did she really try to kill Emily when she found out she was Amanda Clark, she needs to pull her shit together because her spoiled brat, junkie attitude was past interesting two seasons ago, characters need to grow she's only gotten worse. Victoria should have stayed in the nut house because she is the most manipulative character I have ever come across my applause to Madeleine Stowe. Jack has seemed to find the straight and narrow now as a police officer still trying to bring justice to the Hampton's after all the crimes he's seen. I used to like Daniel way back in the first season and a little bit of the second when I thought he could possibly be different than the rest of his family but he's not and now he's dating Margaux who I thought was looking for justice but is just like the rest of the Grayson family. Are people really like this? Because if this is based on any type of reality I would never want to meet these people I'd rather stay in my middle class home in a town where the biggest scandal is a college drug bust.

The start of this season has started off well and I can't help wanting to keep watching more hopefully I'm not let down. If you stopped watching I recommend you jump back on this fast moving train. The only thing I'm really confused about is why Louise Ellis is so obsessed with Victoria Grayson only time will tell.